Santegra Inc.

How the ‘5-a-Day Mix’ of Fruits, Vegetables Improves Your Health

Experts encourage people to start out by adding 1 or 2 fruits or vegetables to their daily diet.

  • Researchers say a ‘5-a-day mix’ diet of fruits and vegetables can improve your health and help you live longer.
  • They recommend people start by adding 1 or 2 fruits or vegetables a day to their diets.
  • They note that some vegetables and fruits are healthier than others.

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How Much Exercise Do You Need for Better Heart Health?

The more you do, the better, but even mild exercise like walking produces benefits for cardiovascular health, a large new study found.
If you want a healthy heart, the more you exercise, the better, according to an encouraging new study of the links between physical activity and cardiovascular disease. It finds that people who often exercise and stay active are much less likely to develop heart disease than people who rarely move, whether that exercise consists of a few minutes a day of jogging or multiple hours a week of walking.

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Causes of Belly Fat

More Around the Middle

Belly fat is a problem, and not just because of how it looks. The type of fat that collects in your belly is called visceral fat. It surrounds your organs and raises your risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. To find out if you have excess fat in this area, put a tape measure around your midsection at bellybutton-level. More than 35 inches in women and 40 inches in men is too much. Here are a few reasons why belly fat forms and how to lose it.

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Insomnia definition and facts

Three types of insomnia are acute, transient, and chronic insomnia.

Acute insomnia - lasts up to one month, commonly referred to as adjustment insomnia, occurs due to acute situational stress such as a new job, deadline, or exams and it typically resolves when the stressor is no longer present or the individual adapts to the stressor.

Transient insomnia - lasts for less than one week, caused by another disorder, changes in the sleep environment, stress, or depression.

Chronic insomnia - lasts more than one month, associated with chronic medical and psychiatric conditions, usually occurs in patients with an underlying risk of insomnia

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Coronavirus: What Europeans have learned from a year of pandemic

From the first case diagnosed a year ago at a hospital in northern Italy to the empty shops, restaurants and stadiums of Europe's cities, the lives of Europeans have been changed forever.
Curbs on movement have forced every country and society to adapt its rules and rethink its culture. There have been hard truths and unexpected innovations in a year that changed Europe.

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Osteoporosis: Simple Steps to Boost Bone Health

Strong Bones For Life

Weak and brittle bones don't have to be part of aging. Your bones are a living tissue that rebuilds itself. Your bone mass reaches its peak between your mid 20s and mid 30s. You can "borrow" from that banked strength as you get older. Here's how to get, and keep, your bones dense at any age.

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What Are the Benefits of Hugging?

We hug others when we’re excited, happy, sad, or trying to comfort. Hugging, it seems, is universally comforting. It makes us feel good. And it turns out that hugging is proven to make us healthier and happier.
According to scientists, the benefits of hugging go beyond that warm feeling you get when you hold someone in your arms. Read on to find out how.

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Supplements for Joint Pain


This amino sugar is a natural part of the cartilage in your joints. Taking it as a supplement may help slow down cartilage loss, as well as ease stiffness, swelling, and pain. You can find it in capsules, tablets, liquid, or powder form. Your doctor may recommend you take it in combination with another supplement, chondroitin.

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