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Global COVID-19 vaccine summary: Side effects

Currently, in various areas of the world, 13 COVID-19 vaccines have been authorized for use. In this feature, we look at the types and their reported side effects.

As the global effort to produce vaccines that can curb the COVID-19 pandemic forges ahead, headlines continue to highlight development breakthroughs and safety concerns.

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When to stop drinking caffeine to get a good night's sleep

(CNN) Many of us start our days the same way: with a cup of coffee or tea. Caffeine is as much a part of our routine as brushing our teeth or getting dressed for the day.
Maybe your habit extends to a cup of coffee in the afternoon, or you have a soda with your dinner.
And maybe as a result, you laid in bed awake later thinking of where you went wrong instead of getting needed sleep.

Rob M. van Dam, a researcher in epidemiology and nutrition from the National University of Singapore, explains when to wisely consume caffeine, what qualifies as too much and what to know about why it affects each of us differently.

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Sleep Cycle: What Happens When You Sleep

Actively Asleep

Scientists used to think that people were physically and mentally inactive during sleep. But now they know that's not the case. All night long, your body and brain do quite a bit of work that's key for your health. There are two main types of sleep that we cycle in and out of when we rest -- REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM sleep.

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How long will coronavirus vaccines protect people?

Ian Haydon helped test Moderna's coronavirus vaccine last year. Now, he's helping test the tweaked version of that vaccine designed to fight a new, more contagious variant.

"A year ago, I tried the Moderna vaccine to see if it was safe. (Spoiler: It is!) Now, on my #COVIDvaccine anniversary, I'm happy to share that I just got a 3rd dose. This booster experiment will reveal if strain-adapted vaccines boost immunity & whether they are safe," Haydon, a communications specialist at the University of Washington, said via Twitter last Saturday.

"It's unclear whether this new tweaked version is even going to be necessary," Haydon told CNN in a telephone interview.
"But it's being developed and tested now so that we have it in hand."

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Heart Disease: Pill-Free Ways to Cut Your Heart Disease Risk

Go for a Walk Just 40 minutes three or four times a week (or 25 minutes of harder exercise, like jogging) can lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and body weight. You don't have to do it all at once. Even 10 minutes at a time is great for your heart. Take the dog or meet a friend at the park. If you're new to working out or just getting back into it, start slow. Talk to your doctor to see if you're healthy enough for exercise.

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Magnesium: Basics, Benefits, and Sources

What Is Magnesium?

Magnesium is a critical mineral that the body uses for hundreds of important body processes. It is necessary for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Along with calcium, we need magnesium for the proper function of muscles and nerves. Sufficient levels of magnesium are necessary to maintain a healthy heart, bones, and to regulate blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Your body needs magnesium to generate energy. The mineral is present in a variety of foods and beverages, but many people may still fall short of optimum levels. In these cases, your doctor may recommend that you take magnesium supplements.

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High-fiber diet may play a role in controlling the inflammation associated with COVID-19

A study conducted at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, shows that compounds produced by gut microbiota (bacteria and other microorganisms) during fermentation of insoluble fiber from dietary plant matter do not affect the ability of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 to enter and replicate in cells lining the intestines. However, while in vitro treatment of cells with these molecules did not significantly influence local tissue infection, it reduced the expression of a gene that plays a key role in viral cell entry and a cytokine receptor that favors inflammation.

An article reporting the findings is published in the journal Gut Microbes.

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Eye Health: Foods, Vitamins and Nutrients to Improve Eyesight

Just like every other part of the body, eyes age and do not work as well as we get older. Poor diet, excess sun exposure, toxins, infections, and physical and emotional stressors cause wear and tear on the body, including our eyes. This wear and tear produces free radicals, unstable molecules that harm us at the cellular level. The eyes are prone to damage by free radicals. This damage may result in you having vision problems or suffering from age-related macular degeneration or other eye disorders, but you can help protect your eyes by making healthy food choices.

Antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, beta-carotene, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3 fatty acids protect against free radical damage that can harm your eyes. You can find these nutrients by eating colorful fruits and vegetables that will protect your eyes and boost your overall health. We’ll take a look at these on the following slides.

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