PerFem Forte™ (30)
PerFem Forte™ is a well balanced formulation of vitamins, minerals and herbs that work synergistically for the effective support of the women’s health during menopause; contains the most bioavailable fermented (aglycone) isoflavones, standardized Black cohosh root extract, natural form of vitamin E, the most bioavailable form of selenium (Selenium + GPM™).
The product has been manufactured using high quality pure raw materials and the technology that ensures all their beneficial properties intact, in strict compliance with GMP and TÜV regulations.
The unique Santegra®’s product PerFem Forte™ is intended to help women who are facing a new stage in their life, which is called “menopause”.
Generations of women were awaiting it with fear, hoping that they will not suffer too much from the symptoms, concerned with the fundamental changes in the body’s functions. Nowadays women can look ahead with confidence and tranquility due to the new approach to the health maintenance during this difficult period.
Menopause is a natural event that normally occurs between the ages of 45 and 55.
You may begin to experience signs and symptoms of menopause well before your periods stop permanently. Once you haven’t had a period for 12 consecutive months, you’ve reached menopause.
The ovaries gradually slow their production of the female hormone estrogen and a woman begins to notice the effects this has on her body.
Many women experience headaches, hot flashes, trouble sleeping, tiredness, decreased sex drive, mood swings, irritability, depression which affect the quality of living.
Estrogen is essential for maintaining healthy cardiovascular system, cholesterol level and strong bones. The long-term effects of menopause can include: bone loss and eventual osteoporosis, changes in cholesterol levels and greater risk of heart disease.
It is very important to know how to care about your health in the period prior to the menopause:
• Active lifestyle, physical activity and fresh air will help to strengthen the cardiovascular system and bones.
• Healthy diet is essential for you, it is easy to gain extra pounds, but very difficult to get rid of them!
• Natural phytoestrogen supplementation can help to feel well and look well.
• Don’t forget about vitamins and minerals!
• And the most important thing – be self-confident! Life is good, it is going on and there are lots of wonderful and joyful events in front of you!
Several generations ago, few women lived beyond menopause. Today, you may spend as much as half of your life after menopause.
The new Santegra®’s product PerFem Forte™ will help you to prepare for the life change. Don’t wait for menopause, get armed against it!
PerFem Forte™ contains vitamin complex:
Vitamin E is one of the most potent antioxidants that protect body cells from destruction by free radicals. PerFem Forte™ contains vitamin E in a form of d-alpha tocopheryl succinate - the natural form of vitamin E, which is more active and better absorbed. Natural vitamin E may be as much as twice as bioavailable as synthetic vitamin E.
Tiamin (Vitamin B1) is called energy and optimism vitamin; it helps maintain healthy nervous system, essential for converting carbohydrate into energy, plays an important role in maintaining muscle tone; stabilizes the appetite. (2)
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) functions as a coenzyme for many metabolic processes in the body, in red blood cell formation and nervous system function. Riboflavin is involved in energy production, essential for the immune system, for the eye health.
Niacin (Vitamin B3) plays a significant role in many aspects of energy metabolism and nervous system function. One of the most common uses for supplemental niacin is cholesterol regulation. Niacin lowers heart disease risk. (3, 4)
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B 6) is required for the balancing of hormonal changes in women as well as assisting the immune and nervous systems and the growth of new cells. It is also used in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Because vitamin B6 is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters in the brain and nerve cells, it is frequently recommended as a nutrient to support mental function (mood).
Folic acid plays an important role in DNA and RNA synthesis, production of red blood cells, for the nervous system and cardiovascular health.
Vitamin B9 is essential for maintaining normal homocysteine level. Recent studies in elderly people suggest a link between folic acid, homocysteine, ageing, depression, and dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. Folate concentrations in serum and cerebrospinal fluid fall and plasma homocysteine rises with age, perhaps contributing to the ageing process. (5)
Folic acid is important in the nervous system at all ages, it affects mood, cognitive and social function, but in elderly people deficiency contributes to ageing brain processes, increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Some studies have suggested that there is a relationship between elevated homocysteine levels and cardiovascular disease.
Folate supplementation has been shown to normalize increased homocysteine blood levels. (6)
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is essential for proper energy metabolism, cell replication, for the genetic material in cells known as DNA and RNA, blood cell formation, nervous system maintenance and heart health.
Vitamin B12 acts with folic acid and vitamin B6 to control homocysteine levels. An excess of homocysteine is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and potentially other diseases such as osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease.
Vitamin B12 deficiency causes fatigue and is associated with cognitive impairment.
A preliminary study found that postmenopausal women who were in the lowest one-fifth of vitamin B12 consumption had an increased risk of developing breast cancer. (7)
Selenium is a potent antioxidant, which defends body cells from free radical damage, it is essential for the immune system (8), has cardioprotective activity, and may help protect the body from cancer. (9)
PerFem Forte™ contains also standardized amount of isoflavones from GMO-Free soybean extract and red clover extract (25.5 mg aglycone isoflavones).
Isoflavones are associated with many health benefits, because they can protect against hormone-related disorders.
The chemical structure of isoflavones is similar to that of our own estrogen. Because of this similarity, isoflavones can interfere with the action of our own estrogen.
The risks of excess estrogen can be lowered in this way. Isoflavones can also increase the estrogen activity.
When during menopause the body’s natural level of estrogen drops, isoflavones can compensate this, easing menopause symptoms.
The soy isoflavones are responsible for most of the soy health benefits. The most important soy isoflavones are genistein and daidzein. Isoflavones can be represented in the glycoside or aglycone forms. In soybeans isoflavones occur mostly in glycoside form, which doesn’t cause estrogen response of the cells in contrast to aglycone isoflavones.
Glucoside form isoflavones must be converted into the aglycone form in the intestines before they can be absorbed. The efficiency of this conversion can greatly affect the amount of isoflavone actually absorbed into the body.
Interesting fact – the population of Southeast Asia (China, Japan, Korea etc.) has lower risk of cancer and heart diseases than in Europe and America. People in these countries rarely have osteoporosis, despite their low consumption of dairy products. Eastern women have less severe menopause symptoms (such as hot flashes). Why? Some scientists suggest that one of the reasons is the peculiarity of the diet of the population in Southeast Asia, in particular the large consumption of fermented soy foods. During fermentation process glucosides are converted into aglycone isoflavones, which are highly bioavailable.
Soy isoflavones appear to reduce cardiovascular disease risk. Isoflavones inhibit the plaque formation on the arteries walls. A review of controlled studies on soy and heart disease concluded that soy is definitely effective for improving cholesterol profile.
Soy isoflavones help in the preservation of the bone substance and help prevent osteoporosis. Population-based studies show a strong association between consumption of isoflavones and a reduced risk of cancer.
Recent studies have found that soy isoflavones can reduce menopause symptoms such as hot flushes.
PerFem Forte™ contains fermented form of isoflavones - aglycone isoflavones, which are absorbed much more completely and quickly, and are the most effective form of isoflavones.
Another beneficial natural ingredient in PerFem Forte™ is Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) root extract, standardized to 2.5% triterpene glycosides. Studies have demonstrated that Black cohosh, when standardized to the terpene glycoside fraction, appears to be effective in alleviating menopausal symptoms.
The herb is native to North America. Black cohosh was originally used by Native American people in the treatment of many conditions, especially gynecologic disorders.
The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology guidelines on the use of botanicals for the management of menopausal symptoms support the use of Black cohosh for up to six months, especially in treating the symptoms of sleep and mood disturbance, and hot flushes. (13)

As a dietary supplement take 1 capsule twice daily in the morning and in the evening with a large glass of water with meals.
Vitamin E helps prevent arteries from clogging, thins the blood, allowing for blood to flow more easily through arteries. Studies in the last 10 years have reported beneficial results from use of vitamin E supplements as part of a prevention strategy for cardiovascular disease.
Vitamin E is very beneficial for women during the menopause years. (1)
Vitamin E is effective for the reduction of hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and even vaginal dryness. Vitamin E also helps reduce long term risks associated with menopause such as Alzheimer’s, macular degeneration, and cardiovascular disease. A study of postmenopausal women suggested that vitamin E may reduce the risk of death from stroke in postmenopausal women.
Selenium+GPM™ is a nutritional ingredient especially developed for better absorption and increased safety. A proprietary, multi-stage fermentation process is used to create its Glyco Protein Matrix. This process transforms selenium, yeast and probiotics from a simple admixture into a fully enrobed, food-bound system that greatly improves the absorption of the mineral by the body.
The tests showed that Selenium+GPM™ was a vastly superior antioxidant than other forms of selenium. Selenium+GPM™ was 64 times better as an antioxidant than selenomethionine.
A clinical bioavailability study conducted at Northridge Hospital Medical Center, an academic affiliate of UCLA, demonstrated that Selenium+GPM™ contained greater clinically significant serum levels than typical selenium ingredients, a key indicator of bioavailability.
As it is shown on the picture selenium values were nearly identical at the start of the study. The GPM product outperformed the USP product at almost every time interval.
PerFem Forte™ contains isoflavones from GMO-Free soybean extract and red clover extract (25 mg aglycone isoflavones).The chemical structure of isoflavones is similar to that of our own estrogen. Because of this similarity, isoflavones can interfere with the action of our own estrogen.
The risks of excess estrogen can be lowered in this way. Isoflavones can also increase the estrogen activity.
When during menopause the body’s natural level of estrogen drops, isoflavones can compensate this, easing menopause symptoms.
The soy isoflavones are responsible for most of the soy health benefits. The most important soy isoflavones are genistein and daidzein.
Recent studies have found that soy isoflavones can reduce menopause symptoms such as hot flushes.
Soy isoflavones also appear to reduce cardiovascular disease risk. Isoflavones inhibit the plaque formation on the arteries walls. A review of 38 controlled studies on soy and heart disease concluded that soy is definitely effective for improving cholesterol profile.
Soy isoflavones help in the preservation of the bone substance and help prevent osteoporosis. This is the reason why people in China and Japan very rarely have osteoporosis, despite their low consumption of dairy products, whereas in Europe and North America the contrary happens.
Population-based studies show a strong association between consumption of isoflavones and a reduced risk of breast and endometrial cancer. Women who ate the most soy products and other foods rich in isoflavones reduced their risk of endometrial cancer by 54%.
Modern research has focused on a red clover extract high in isoflavones as a possible treatment for symptoms associated with menopause and cardiovascular health in menopausal women.
Black cohosh is native to North America. Black cohosh was originally used by Native American people in the treatment of many conditions, especially gynecologic disorders.
Most studies of black cohosh have used the standardized extract containing 1 mg of terpene glycosides twice daily. Maximum effect usually occurs in four to eight weeks.
Modern research has focused on a red clover extract high in isoflavones as a possible treatment for symptoms associated with menopause and cardiovascular health in menopausal women.
In a double-blind study, administration of isoflavones from red clover reduced the frequency of hot flashes in postmenopausal women. The benefit was noticeable after 4 weeks of treatment and became more pronounced after a total of 12 weeks. (10)
Another double-blind trial found that red clover improved cardiovascular function in menopausal women. (11)
In a randomized, double-blind trial, 80 healthy subjects, 46 men and 34 women, 45 to 75 years of age, received isoflavones enriched in either biochanin or formononetin (precursors of genistein and daidzein; 80 mg/d) crossed over randomly with placebo in two 6-week periods. The end points were measured at baseline and after each intervention and included large artery stiffness (systemic arterial compliance and pulse wave velocity), endothelial function in conduit arteries (flow-mediated vasodilation), 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure, and total peripheral resistance. Isoflavone intervention significantly reduced arterial stiffness with improved systemic arterial compliance (P=0.04; repeated-measures ANOVA, Bonferroni correction) attributable to a reduction in total peripheral resistance (P=0.03) and a corresponding reduction in central pulse wave velocity (P=0.02) compared with placebo. Isoflavones did not affect blood pressure (P=0.5) or flow-mediated vasodilation (P=0.44). Improvements seemed limited to formononetin-enriched isoflavones (adjusted P=0.06). Formononetin treatment also reduced circulating vascular adhesion cell molecule-1 (P<0.01).
In normotensive men and postmenopausal women, red clover isoflavones enriched in formononetin reduced arterial stiffness and total vascular resistance but had no effect on blood pressure. These effects may partly explain the lower cardiovascular risk in populations eating isoflavone-rich diets. (12)
At least eight studies of black cohosh therapy for menopausal symptoms, involving approximately 2,000 women, have been published. Almost all of these studies demonstrate efficacy in patients taking black cohosh extract similar to that of estrogen in the treatment of neurovegetative menopausal symptoms.
The study, published in the International Journal of Cancer could offer a new avenue of research for the herb most commonly used by women to reduce menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes.
The researchers used a population-based case-control study consisting of 949 breast cancer cases and 1,524 controls. Demographic information and the use of hormone-related supplements were identified using questionnaires.
After adjusting for potential confounding factors the use of black cohosh was associated with a 61 per cent reduction in the risk of breast cancer, said the researchers. This risk reduction was also observed for Remifemin, a herbal preparation derived from black cohosh, which was calculated to reduce the risk of breast cancer by 53 per cent.
"Substantial additional research must be undertaken before it can be established that black cohosh, or some compound found in black cohosh, is a breast cancer chemopreventive agent," wrote the researchers. "Furthermore, women may wish to seek guidance from their physician before using these compounds," they concluded. (14)
1. Perloff WH. Treatment of the menopause. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1949;58:684-94.
2. Grant JE, Veldee MS, Buchwald D. Analysis of dietary intake and selected nutrient concentrations in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. J Am Diet Assoc 1996;96:383-6.
3. Brown WV. Niacin for lipid disorders. Postgrad Med 1995;98:185–93 [review].
4. Guyton JR. Effect of niacin on atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Am J Cardiol 1998;82(12A):18U–23U [review].
5. Bottiglieri T, Reynolds EH, Laundy M. Folate in CSF and age. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2000; 69: 562
6. Homocysteine Lowering Trialists‘ Collaboration: Lowering blood homocysteine with folic acid based supplements: metaanalysis of randomised trials. BMJ 1998;316:894-8.
7. Wu K, Helzlsouer KJ, Comstock GW, et al. A prospective study on folate, B12, and pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (B6) and breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1999;8:209-17.
8. Peretz A, Néve J, Desmedt J, et al. Lymphocyte response is enhanced by supplementation of elderly subjects with selenium-enriched yeast. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;53:1323-8.
9. Clark LC, Combs GF, Turnbull BW, et al. Effects of selenium supplementation for cancer prevention in patients with carcinoma of the skin. JAMA 1996;276:1957-63. Published erratum appears in JAMA 1997;277:1520.
10. Van de Weijer PHM, Barentsen R. Isoflavones from red clover (Promensil®) significantly reduce menopausal hot flush symptoms compared with placebo. Maturitas 2002;42:187-93.
11. Nestel PJ, Pomeroy S, Kay S, et al. Isoflavones from red clover improve systemic arterial compliance but not plasma lipids in menopausal women.
12. Helena J. Teede; Barry P. McGrath; Lakmini DeSilva; Marja Cehun; Andriana Fassoulakis; Paul J. Nestel. A Placebo-Controlled Study in Men and Postmenopausal Women. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2003;23:1066.
13. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1999;84:895-8. ACOG Practice Bulletin. Clinical Management Guidelines for Obstetrician-Gynecologists. Use of botanicals for management of menopausal symptoms. Obstet Gynecol 2001;97:suppl 1-11.